“VolcanoScapes… Dancing with the Goddess.” The show takes a look into the lives of those who work, study, worship, take inspiration from, or simply visit Kilauea, the world’s most active volcano. Tropical Visions will feature clips from its vast ten-year HD and twenty-year SD library of volcano footage… images many of which have been broadcast worldwide over the past three decades.
Kilauea volcano is hypnotic… it fascinate us. People tell us they love to hear the stories told by those who know it intimately. Our program explores what being near an active volcano means to a variety of people; from those who perform hula depicting it, to those who study it, write about it, capture images of it in various forms, guide others to see its wonders up close, or create artwork inspired by Pele’s handiwork. Most have a deep spiritual connection with the volcano. We share, in a variety of ways, what the volcano means to these people, how its energy translates to their everyday lives, and why they are willing to get up close and personal with a force some people consider to be highly dangerous.

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“Dancing with the Goddess” is, however, most definitely NOT intended to be a “daredevil” or hyped up “reality show”; but, rather, an honest, in-depth, heartfelt look at the many different relationships that have developed to a phenomenon that has gone on throughout our planet’s existence. Volcanoes have formed the Hawaiian Islands and most of the earth’s surface… and being close to their activities provides a connection we can make in no other way. The story is told through the eyes and ears of our subjects, without narration. Each person tells his or her own story and connection with our Hawai`ian volcanoes… the Pacific heartbeat of the planet.
Hula’s popularity is evidenced by the overwhelming response to the Merrie Monarchs in Hilo each year. But there is much more to the oli and mele than simply competition. Kahiko hula’s roots can be traced back many centuries, all of its creations prior to 1900. Since Hawai`ian was a spoken, but not written language, Kahiko hula became memorized and one way of passing down those stories. The chants told the stories of creation, mythology, royalty, and often to honor, or tell the stories of Pele, the Goddess of Fire and Volcanoes. |
Today there are many ways of interacting with the volcano… from hula to art to science. Each plays a prominent role in educating our future generations. Hula Halaus embody the spirit of Pele through mele and oli. Hawaii’s volcanoes provide inspiration to artists and writers who bring the Goddess alive in many art forms. And scientists study the inner workings of the earth to understand how and when volcanic eruptions may occur, providing information and safety for those who may be affected.
Many dance with the Goddess… some literally, some figuratively… but it can be an intimate encounter nonetheless. And their stories remind us of that connection to the earth that can be made in no other way than by seeing the majesty of Pele for yourself. For the many people who never get to visit Hawaii’s volcanoes, as well as those who live close by, “Dancing with the Goddess” helps them make that connection, or possibly re-connect with the manifestations of Pele… to become more intimate with the birth of the earth. |

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“Dancing with the Goddess” is the result of thirty years of documenting Kilauea Volcano, and ten years developing a plan to incorporate all that footage into one grand program. We think we’ve landed on the perfect scenario… one that enables us to show the best of what we’ve done and at the same time captivate, entertain and educate our audience. Kahiko Hula is the essence, the heart of the piece… but through our profiles, we hope to show as many sides of the volcanic experience as possible… what it means to many people in various walks of life; what they think of it, what they do with it, how it inspires them. There are many faces of Pele… and just as many ways she affects those who are intimate with her. Some dance, some play, some study, some create… while many others just stand in awe of one of the most magnificent natural phenomena on the planet! |
Program Participants
· Halau Hula Ka Makani Hali`ala O Puna – Kahiko Hula
Kumu Ehulani Stephany – Kumu and Hawai`ian Cultural Expert
Mahiehie Martin, Makalei Arakaki-Olive, Ulumahiehie Gomes, Huali Milcarek – Dancers
· Halau Na Lei O Kaholoku – Kahiko Hula
Carrington Edward Manaolaho`owaiwai i ka lei kau makalani Yap – Kumu Hula
Lorna Kapualiko o lehuanani Lim, Bernice Namakana mai kalani mai Lim-Davis
Nicole Nanea mai o kalani Lim-Davis - Dancers
· Kekuhi Kealiikanakaoleohaililani – Hawai`ian Cultural Expert
· G Brad Lewis – internationally acclaimed still photographer - LavArt
· Mick Kalber – award-winning volcanographer – Tropical Visions Video
· Mike Poland – research geophysicist - USGS/HVO
· Milton Garces – director, infrasound laboratory – USGS/UH-Manoa
· Kimberly Dark – renowned poet/storyteller
· Daniel Moe - glass-blower extraordinaire – Moe Hot Glass
· Shane Turpin – tour guide/videographer - Lava Ocean Adventures
· Cal Dorn – helicopter pilot/owner – Paradise Helicopters
· Marco Ernandes – helicopter pilot - Paradise Helicopters
· Daniel Almonte – Hawaiian tour guide – Hawaii Forest & Trail
· Jack Lockwood - former USGS scientist |